End Times Resources

Here are some resources that can help you learn about the end times. Each of these presents an overview of several interpretations to help you form your beliefs.

An evening of Eschatology

This is a panel discussion where the concepts of premillennialism, postmillennialism and amillennialism are presented and scripturally defended by 3 pastors. This video goes into some detail about each, and is about 2 hours long.

Understanding Eschatology

For something a little shorter, Dr. Andrew Corbett provides an 18-minute overview of various beliefs about the end times as well as a discussion about the eternal state - when this is all done, where will we be and what will it be like?

Eschatology Charts

To get a quick understanding of the differences between the main eschatological beliefs, here are more detailed charts showing the timeline of each one. These were prepared by the Gospel Coalition.

Eschatology: Four Views on the Millennium

Here’s a web site that describes different end-times teaching, including helpful charts that help you visualize each approach.

What (in the end) Matters Most? - R. T. Kendall

This short article helps all of us, regardless of our eschatological views, keep a proper focus on what is really important in these end times.

Three Views on the Rapture (Book)

For a detailed understanding of the 3 doctrines of pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, and post-tribulation rapture, this is a great read. Each view is presented and defended by a different author, and there is interaction between them. This is available on Amazon.

This is part of the Counterpoints series that presents different interpretations of many Christian doctrines such as Heaven, the Trinity, Spiritual Gifts, etc.