Small Group Leaders

We believe spiritual growth is only possible when you are connected in relationship with other believers. Your leadership is essential in this equation. While you're not responsible for the growth of others, your leadership can provide an environment where people are encouraged to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships. This site is designed to help you in your mission.



We need all kinds of group leaders to create a place where people can be real and grow.

Whether it’s a life group that meets weekly or bi-weekly, a topical group that meets for a set period of time, or an interest group that meets bi-weekly or monthly, you can make an eternal difference in the lives of others.

Click below and let us know what kind of a group you would like to lead and a few details. We will help every step of the way.

We use an online sign-up tool where those who are interested can see the groups that are available and select the one that they would like to join.

You can view this sign up portal here. This will give you an idea of what others will see when they sign up for your group.


Leader Training

We created a number of resources to help you become a great leader. Even if you've been leading a small group for years, we have resources to help you continue to grow. After all, there is no finish line for leader development.

Practical information about how to lead is important but it's not enough to grow you as a leader. You grow when you apply the information you’ve learned. So, we’ve focused the training here at around things you need to know and do as you lead.


Studies & Curriculum

Choosing a study may feel overwhelming at times because there are so many options--It's hard to tell which ones will fit your small group’s needs. That’s why we’ve chosen to limit the quantity of resources, while making sure that every study and resource on the site generates the kinds of conversations that will help you and your group members pursue healthy relationships and spiritual growth.


Small Group FAQ

How long is the commitment for leading a Small Group?

Leading a Small Group is a four to twelve-week commitment. We are only planning for October to December of 2021 at this time. Once 2022 begins, it’s up to you and your group to decide whether you will continue meeting.

Where can/should I host my Small Group?

You can host a small group in your home, in a coffee shop, at Encounter church or in someone else’s home. If you are not comfortable hosting a group in person, you can host a virtual group via ZOOM or JITSI.MEET.

Just let us know in the Small Group Leader Interest Form.

What if I need to cancel or miss a group time?

Things come up from time to time, we get it, but we encourage all of our leaders to identify someone in their group that lead in your absense and keep the group together. If that doesn’t work you can try to reschedule or cancel and pick it up next time.

What is expected of me as a Small Group Leader?

We want our leaders to have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ (preferably for two years or more). We want you to lead your group by facilitating the group meeting, monitoring its health and duration, and promoting participation among group members.

How do people sign up for my group?

We are using an online sign-up tool where where those who are interested can see the groups that are available and select the one that they would like to join. You can view this sign-up portal here.

As a group leader you can select how many can attend your group, whether childcare is available, and what your meeting schedule will look like. You can choose to approve of each member individually or keep it open to anyone who would like to join.

Someone from the Encounter Team will help ensure that your group numbers and settings are just the way you what them when people sign up.