What does it look like to be a Encounter Church?
It looks like sharing the Good News and showing the love of God to the poor, the prisoner, and the oppressed. It looks like aligning our priorities and resources with God’s heart to bring hope and life to every part of our world.
Here & Beyond is a year-round initiative to share the Good News of Jesus and show the love of God to those in our community and all over the world.
In 2021 you gave over $55,000, we want to match that and potentially do even more in 2022!
Our ultimate goal is to give $31,000 to local ministries and $31,000 global missions.
We’re asking everyone in Encounter Church to participate, and we will give 100% of it away.
Who are we supporting?
Local Ministries & Non Profits:
Saskatoon Pregnancy Options Centre
Teen Challenge
Saskatoon Prison Ministry
Local Church Benevolence
Global Missions & Disaster Relief:
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Canadian Fire
Brake Ministries International