Day 3 - Reconciled to God

 Rom 5:10For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.

 Here we see the greatness of God’s love in even more stark terms than the previous passage. Not only were we alienated from God in a legal sense; we were actually His enemies. This is significant because it speaks of relationship as much as our legal standing.

To be an enemy means to be against someone or something else. While those of us who became Christians later in life may not have thought that we had been against God, we see plainly in this verse that we were. This may not have been our mental attitude, but it was the spiritual reality. Jesus put it this way, “Anyone who is not for me is really against me; anyone who does not help me gather is really scattering” (Matt 12:30 MSG).

This helps us appreciate God’s love all the more. Even when we were His enemies, He came to justify us save and us.

But there is a new word in this verse: reconciled. Where “justify” is a legal word, “reconcile” is a relational word. God didn’t simply make us OK in His sight; He actually adopts us into His family as sons and daughters (Rom 8:15Gal 4:5). He didn’t just make peace between us so we can coexist; He brought us into union with Himself. This is a completely different level of relationship.

Although we are accepted by Him (Eph 1:6), we are Much More than just accepted; we are invited, welcomed and loved as children!



How great must the love of God be!

Since He gave His best for me, would He withhold any other good thing (Rom 8:32)?

Encounter Church