Spiritual Pathways Assessment
God doesn’t create people in cookie-cutter fashion. Each of us is unique. As a result, different kinds of experiences make us feel closer to God. Spiritual pathways help us identify the ways we most naturally connect with God. There are a total of seven pathways. Most people gravitate toward one or two of them.
This one-night study is a Spiritual Pathways Assessment and it’s designed to help you identify the pathways toward which you gravitate. Here’s how it works:
In the video, you’ll see a series of 35 statements on the screen, one at a time.
On a scale of 1 to 5, you'll determine how accurately each statement describes you. A “5” means the statement is very true of you.
Write your number in one of the seven columns below (the video will tell you where to write your number).
Once you’ve seen all of the statements, you'll add up the totals to give you an indicator of your Spiritual Pathway.