Weddings At Encounter Church
If you are interested in booking a wedding at Encounter, you can either fill out the form below or call the office at 306.242.2844. We will then set up an appointment with someone on our Pastoral Staff to discuss your plans, as well as a meeting with our wedding coordinator.
Some Things To Keep In Mind
Encounter Church will only host and perform weddings for MTC members. Consideration will be given where the groom or bride is a member and the other attends regularly and is interested in pursuing membership.
All couples desiring to be married at MTC by a member of the MTC Pastoral Staff must successfully complete our pre-marriage counselling program before the officiating minister can conduct the wedding ceremony.
For Saturday weddings, all on-site activities must be completed by 5 PM.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact our church office at 306.242.2844
Wedding Planning
To help us make your journey to your special day as smooth as possible, please take a moment to provide the following information.