Day 12 - God Wants You

Eph 2:4-5 (NLT) But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.


God created us for relationship. He created us for a relationship with Him and a relationship with one another. He was looking for someone who will love Him and worship Him. That was His purpose from the beginning, and it has not changed.


Ever since man fell through sin, God has always been searching for someone He can connect with. In the Old Testament, we see that He found particular people at particular times that were willing to draw close to Him. People like Abraham, Moses and King David come to mind. And God was able to use these specific people to speak to all of His people.


With the New Testament, things changed. He is not just looking for one or two men or women to connect with. He wants everyone. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world…” Theworld means the people in the world – all the people in the world. He gave his best – His Son – to connect with people.


He has taken the initiative and extended the invitation. God the Father has given His Son to save us. He has given the Holy Spirit to live in us, guide us and sanctify us. And now it’s up to us to respond to that invitation.


More importantly it’s up to you – to me – to respond. Have you truly given your heart and life to God? Once you see who God is, there is no reason not to. And it is not difficult but it does require a surrender of our lives to Jesus Christ.  There are no initiation rites or ceremonies you need to go through. There are no membership fees. It’s simply a matter of turning your heart to God, and accepting the salvation He offers through His Son. If you’d like to do that now, you can pray a prayer like this:


Heavenly Father, thank you for Your great love for me. Thank you for the salvation you have offered me through Jesus. I accept that offer and give my life to You. I turn from my selfish ways, and ask You to forgive me of my sins, so I can live life in a way that pleases You. Thank you for the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for me. In the same way that He gave His life for me, I now give my life to You. Please use it for Your glory. In Jesus’ name – amen.


If you prayed that prayer for the first time, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at or 306-242-2844.


If I have never prayed that prayer, now would be a great time. But if you still have hesitations or questions, we would love to help you any way we can.

Encounter Church